Doru, Karatay, Moya and our other friends participate in the games prepared by a mysterious person who calls himself the Referee of the Forest. First of all, no one cares about the title of King of the Jungle, which will be given to the winner of the game. Everyone, especially Karatay, the captain of the Black Team, and Doru, the captain of the White Team, start the games to enjoy the fun tracks. So what; It doesn't take long for the fun atmosphere to deteriorate... As the games progress and there is a winner and a loser after each game, the games that started with fun laughter begin to be replaced by very serious races! Both teams are no longer joking. Players from both sides want to win the title of King for their respective teams, and for this, they are ready to face every opponent on every track. But the King's Crown they are fighting for will come with a surprise they could not have predicted...